Tuesday, 15 April 2008

The "coolest" memories

IBM keeps impressing with this video on their new project to change memories.

Faster, cooler, less power hungry but no words on costs. This promises are becoming standard. Let's hope they'll deliver soon and cheap just like we like it!

IBM "racetrack" memories:

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Supercomputers + home heating systems = IBM

So IBM has an idea and decided to share it in a pretty cocky way.
In this video they make sure you know that they have the fastest processor in the world, they have created the most efficient cooling solution and blah blah blah...

Well you know what, brag as much as you want this stuff is HOT!

Want details? Check them for yourself in the following video.
It's more fun:

We could use one of these to warm up my house actually, it's snowing in April!!!

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Transparent OLEDS from Purdue Uni

Ok, yes, OLEDS are cool, we get it.
But trasnparent OLEDS? That's really great stuff man c'mon!

The university of Purdue has realised transparent screens thanks to nanowires (just like Nokia suggested in the MORPH video), but the best thing is that the production seems to be easy and efficient (room temperature). At this point I start to believe Nokia, when they said they'd be out with those technologies in 7 years... man!!! Take that Iphone' Steve!
Now how about a GPS that displays directions straight on your windscreen? I'm waiting !!!

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